Free Pro-Life images

Even with AI, it is difficult to know if the images you are helping to create align with the message you are wanting to communicate. For this series, I’m really wanting to help advance the pro-life perspective. That is, to communicate that the little people within the womb deserve the right to continue their lives without being aborted. I’m not sure how well the images I’m helping to create align with pro-life or catholic views, but if anyone from these circles wishes to use the images (meme’s, etc), then feel free. Basically, each image is upscaled using Topaz Gigapixel AI, and then reduced again to 400px before posting. So I have large files (50cm), and the originals. I can make these available to pro-life, catholic organisations, for free, but you’ll need to verify who you are. Also, I would highlight that in my online searches, I didn't really find a shared repository where pro-life images could be uploaded and stored for future use. Perhaps this could be beneficial for the movement. Perhaps there is already something else in place? Let me know.