AI Collodion - Pro-life Images

I have continued to play with the Dall E 3 image creator, and I think I have been able to lose the anatomical style. Firstly the casings have all but gone and now we are left with just the images.
I did seem to notice a difference when I used the generator through Bing, and when I used it through ChatGpt. If I give CHatGPT an instruction, it seems to adapt it slightly from image to image. At least, the description of what it has done would appear to signify this. So, when I found some images I liked, it was harder to keep the generator creating images in that style.
Overall, I prefer these images. I think they better represent what I want from a pro-life image, that is, something beautiful that hopefully reminds people of what a wonderful and incredible state this is, to carry and then give birth to new life.
There seems to be a loss of antiquity, as the new images feel more modern, but perhaps this will connect better as the audience is, of course, modern themselves.
I have started a new Instagram account for this body of work: @almosglass. At the moment, it seems that this account is restricted for hosting pro-life content. But I could be wrong.